If you have COVID-19

  • If you test positive for COVID‑19:

    1. You are strongly encouraged to immediately self-isolate in line with the Victorian Government's checklist for COVID cases, and notify your household and social contacts (including classmates and workmates) – these message guides can help
    2. Even if you do not fully isolate, you are strongly encouraged to stay away from campus for at least 5 days and not return until you are symptom-free
    3. If you are a student, please alert your supervisor or subject coordinator. Their contact details can be found in the Handbook or LMS and our message guides offer suggestions about what to tell/ask them. If you are currently undertaking a placement, please also notify your placement coordinator.
      If you are a staff member, please inform your supervisor or manager. If you have questions about leave or other concerns, please speak with your supervisor in the first instance – our message guides offer suggestions about what to tell/ask them.
    4. Find out if you are eligible for antivirals (see below) to potentially limit the severity of your illness.

    You should fulfil the requirements of the Victorian Government checklist for COVID cases and any University requirements before returning to campus.


    You are strongly encouraged to isolate for at least 5 days and not work in or visit a designated sensitive setting for at least 7 days. If you must attend campus for an activity that cannot be undertaken elsewhere during this time, please:

    • only attend campus if you are symptom-free
    • wear a face mask
    • undertake a RAT before attending University locations, sensitive settings or visiting people at higher risk of severe illness – if you test positive, please stay away
    • do not enter or work in government-designated sensitive settings such as hospitals, residential aged care or disability care services
    • do not enter or work in sensitive settings on campus, including University student accommodation – speak to the manager of these locations for additional precautions if you must attend (eg you are a student living in accommodation)
    • minimise your time on campus
    • follow any other public health advice
    Medicines and antivirals

    Medical treatments, also known as early therapies or antivirals, are available for eligible people to prevent them from getting so sick that they need to go to hospital. These treatments must be taken as soon as possible after COVID-19 symptoms begin and can be lifesaving. Find out more about these medicines and eligibility.

    If you have COVID-19, have had less than 5 days of symptoms and think you are eligible, immediately contact your GP.

  • Isolation

    You are strongly encouraged to isolate for at least 5 days and not work in or visit a designated sensitive setting for at least 7 days. If you must attend campus for an activity that cannot be undertaken elsewhere during this time, please:

    • only attend campus if you are symptom-free
    • wear a face mask
    • undertake a RAT before attending University locations, sensitive settings or visiting people at higher risk of severe illness – if you test positive, please stay away
    • do not enter or work in government-designated sensitive settings such as hospitals, residential aged care or disability care services
    • do not enter or work in sensitive settings on campus, including University student accommodation – speak to the manager of these locations for additional precautions if you must attend (eg you are a student living in accommodation)
    • minimise your time on campus
    • follow any other public health advice

    If you still have symptoms at the end of the recommended isolation period, you are strongly encouraged to stay home until your symptoms go away. If you are concerned about your health or unsure about ending your isolation, please contact your GP.

  • You may be able to contract COVID-19 again as early as 5 weeks after initially testing positive. You should get tested again after 5 weeks if you have new symptoms.

    If you have recently recovered and you have any new symptoms consistent with COVID‑19 within that 5‑week period, please:

    • stay away from campus until you are symptom-free
    • if you are at higher risk of severe disease – seek advice from a medical practitioner and get tested for COVID-19, and potentially other respiratory viruses, so you can access treatment if eligible.
  • If you have recovered from COVID-19, you are not required to test or isolate if you are re-exposed to a case, or participate in an asymptomatic screening program, within 5 weeks of your initial positive test result. However, if you know you were exposed to a COVID-positive person, you should monitor for symptoms.

    If you have any new symptoms consistent with COVID-19 within this 5-week period, please:

    • stay away from campus until you are symptom-free
    • if you are at higher risk of severe disease – seek advice from a medical practitioner and get tested for COVID-19, and potentially other respiratory viruses, so you can access treatment if eligible.

    After 5 weeks, if you are exposed to someone who has COVID-19 you must follow the relevant advice depending on the type of 'contact' you are (close contact, social contact, etc).

    More information is available in the Victorian Government checklist for COVID cases.

  • Please notify your Subject Coordinator/s or Supervisor by email as soon as possible if you are unable to attend class so they can provide advice about any impacts on your study, and the availability of alternatives, such as online materials or lecture recordings while you are away, extensions or special consideration for any upcoming assessments and any other related matters. If you are currently undertaking a placement, please also notify your placement coordinator. We have created some message guides to help you.

    If you or your studies have been affected by COVID-19, you may be eligible to apply for special consideration – find out more. Please get in touch with your course coordinator if you have any concerns around your studies.

    Further information and FAQs are available to guide you if you miss classes or assessments due to COVID-19.

  • Staff who are unwell should immediately alert their supervisor and avoid working in contact with others, and follow the current guidance.

    Teaching staff should discuss with their supervisor whether others could cover their classes or whether classes could be scheduled at another period.

    Staff are encouraged to use personal leave if they are sick or need to care for a member of their family.

    If staff members are able to work from home, they should discuss this with their supervisor and agree on an ad-hoc arrangement for a short period.

    Find out more about leave and other entitlements in the Human Resources section of Staff Hub – staff login required.