COVIDSafe plans

To ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our community we have COVIDSafe plans in place across the University to guide our activities and operations.

Please DO NOT COME TO CAMPUS if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, including a fever, chills or sweats, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, or loss or change in sense of taste or smell – however mild, even if you have a negative rapid antigen test result.

Find out what to do if you have symptoms, or if you or someone you know tests positive for COVID-19.
Current guidance

There are many factors helping to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission on campus. They include vaccination, testing and isolation, cleaning, ventilation, personal behaviour, face masks, ongoing monitoring to respond to the changing situation.

Face masks

The University continues to follow Victorian public health advice for face masks to help reduce the transmission of airborne viruses.

Face masks are welcome:

  • in all settings for community and personal safety.

Face masks are required:

  • if you have COVID-19 and must attend campus – everywhere on campus (see detailed requirements)
  • if you are a close contact – in sensitive settings (see detailed requirements)
  • in any setting at the University where a local risk assessment has determined this is necessary – signage indicates where this applies
  • where required by third parties

Face masks are recommended:

  • if you are a close contact – indoors on campus (see detailed requirements)
  • if you have any COVID-19 symptoms – however, please stay away from campus if you have symptoms
  • when visiting or working in sensitive settings such as hospitals and aged care and disability services – follow local guidance

Students with hearing difficulties are encouraged to contact their lecturer/tutor or Student Equity and Disability Support with any concerns about mask usage and communication.

Further guidance is available about types of masks and how to use them effectively.

Face masks available on campus

The University continues to provide access to face masks on campus as follows:

  • surgical masks are available in key locations, like libraries, for staff, students and visitors who have forgotten or don’t have access to a mask and want to wear one – report shortages via COVIDSafe Campus category in Snap Send Solve
  • P2 or equivalent masks students and staff can:
  • staff and students will be provided with an appropriate mask when attending an area of campus or undertaking an activity where it is required by local risk assessment or Standard Operating Procedure

Cleaning and sanitising

The University has implemented enhanced infection control and cleaning measures across all facilities, including:

  • More frequent cleaning and disinfection by professional cleaning staff
  • Self-service infection control measures, such as hand sanitiser stations on the ground floor of every building and alcohol wipes available in some locations (local areas assess the need for wipes and purchase through COS)

Physical distancing

  • People are encouraged wherever possible to maintain a physical distance of 1.5m between themselves and others
  • Some indoor spaces have been reconfigured and plexiglass barriers installed in some service areas to facilitate physical distancing


The University has implemented a range of measures to support improved air quality, including:

  • Buildings have mechanical or natural ventilation capable of ensuring adequate air intake and exchange
  • Where the system is unable to ensure adequate air intake and exchange, other mitigations, such as portable air purifiers have been deployed
  • Real-time monitoring of carbon dioxide (CO2) levels as a proxy to evaluate airborne virus risk and adequate fresh air supply – sensors have been installed in all teaching spaces and each occupied level of every building
  • Campus Management monitors these sensors and responds where additional action is required

Find out more about ventilation.

Screening and testing

People with undiagnosed COVID-19 symptoms should not attend campus. Please follow our current guidance to look after yourselves and others.

To help detect and reduce transmission of COVID-19 in our community, the University is supporting students and staff with access to discounted rapid antigen tests (RATs) on campus.

Find out where to access RATs on campus.

Please do not come to campus to collect a RAT if you have symptoms. You can buy RATs from supermarkets, pharmacies, and some other retail outlets or online.

Processes and administrative measures

  • A dedicated team is in place to monitor the pandemic situation and manage the University response to minimise risk of on-campus transmission
  • Ensure appropriate record-keeping and training processes are in place
  • Strongly encourage all members of our University community to stay up to date with their vaccinations, and continue to provide advice, information and resources to support our community to stay informed on this
  • Strongly encourage people not to attend University locations if they are unwell, even with mild symptoms, and provide advice about getting tested for COVID-19 and what to do from there
  • A COVIDSafe Plan (as summarised on this page) is in place and available to all students and staff (login required)
  • Guidance is available (staff login required) to help our support teams assist students and staff who may be at risk of severe illness from COVID-19 to continue to participate in study and work